Solomon took the throne of his father in Jerusalem

Solomon took the throne of his father in Jerusalem - the City of David - in 963 BC. Book of Kings clearly indicates that he began building the Temple in the fourth year and finished in seventh year of his reign, ie in 953 BC. Solemn Blessing of the Church, after his holy of holies was the ark of the covenant. The Jews have always considered it a sacred place where Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac.
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I explained to her audience that the detailed description of the construction of the Temple is just one chapter of the Bible. We give the exact size of the premises, as well as the place where the altar was installed and other objects of worship. But nowhere - nowhere! - Not to mention the construction of a huge platform on which the temple itself and all its internal courtyards.
The only plausible explanation of this fact is that the platform has already been here - the so-called "barn." This large artificial platform of supporting walls, which affect its complexity and size. And if it existed at the site prior to the Jebusites, inevitably raises the question: who built it and zachem7.
Now, realizing the importance of this moment, we are ready to visit the Temple Mount and the extraordinary tunnel that passes in its western part - the second tunnel of the story.


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